last week, when i thought i was going to have to move out of my house (things are better now), i packed up and sifted through all my stuff. moving (especially cross country) really makes you think about how much "stuff" you have and what is important enough to take with you. i have always been somewhat of a packrat- especially with crafting supplies/art materials- so it is almost like an exercise i have to force myself to say goodbye to things that haven't seen the light of day in years or aren't useful to me anymore. i already donated a bunch of "stuff" to goodwill, and i am also listing a few things on ebay:
mushroom light and
driftwood votives.

i am a recovering packrat. i have it so the only room in my house that has too much stuff is my studio. maybe it is time for some thinning around there too.
I have been on a major thinning streak myself lately. Must be the spring weather.
maybe it is the spring! it feels good to not feel cluttered.
you're getting rid of the mushroom lamp?! what madness has befallen you??
i know its madness! i decided anything that was going to stay behind if i moved was out!
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